Choosing and Managing Passwords Print

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Passwords are everywhere - computer, social networks, websites, online banking, email accounts and many more. It's important to use good passwords that are not easily guessed, but the problem is that with so many usernames and passwords to look after they can easily be forgotten!

Creating Good Passwords

Using common words that are in the dictionary means that hackers will be able to guess or work out your password by running lists of words against your account using automated tools. They can process thousands of passwords per second, so it won't take long to stumble across your password!  Common words with numbers on the end are just as easy to crack.

Using a random combination of letters and numbers makes the password much harder to guess at and the longer it is, the harder it will be to crack. But how can we remember all these random passwords?!

Password Management Programs

Luckily, there are some handy bits of software out there that can help you store all your passwords in a password protected file. One password lets you into the file, and you can then store all your other usernames and passwords in there.

One good free one is called KeePass and is available free for Apple Mac and PC from

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